What are the differences between heat transfer, sublimation and heat press
What are the differences between heat transfer, sublimation and heat press
About the real definition of heat transfer, sublimation and Heat Press Machine, people often are confused about it. Actually, heat transfer and sublimation belong to printing technology, both of them are also called heat transfer printing. That is to say heat transfer and sublimation belong to heat press.
Although there are some similarities, differences are still existed between heat transfer and sublimation.Similarities:
both heat transfer and sublimation belong to heat press, which meas both of their working principle are that the images are transferred to the textile by heating.
1. Different heat press temperature and time. In general, the temperature of heat transfer is about 130-150 C°and the time is about 6-10 minutes. But different hot melt adhesive have different temperature and time requirement. While the sublimation temperature is about 200-230 C°, about 15-20 minutes.
2. Different transfer fabrics. The fabrics of heat transfer can knitting, woven, nylon, non-woven and oxford textile. But the sublimation fabrics just can be light chemical fiber fabric.
3. Different feeling of finished products. The finished products of heat transfer is stiff because of the hot melt adhesive on its back size. While in sublimation the ink penetrate into the textile, therefore, finished products are soft.
4. Different effect of color rendering. i-transfer heat transfer machine Heat transfer can render the effect of picture as long as HD pictures is available, but sublimation color effect is poorer than heat transfer.
5. Different washing fastness. Generally the washing fastness of heat transfer is poorer than sublimation. However, the quality of heat transfer effect is according to elastic ability and washing fastness. Sublimation can be text by elastic ability and washing fastness.